Ozarks Food Harvest’s volunteer team focuses on volunteer recruitment and communication. This year, we wanted to focus on creating some branding for the program.

The volunteer appreciation theme for the year was “Volunteers Make Meals Happen.” From there, I created a banner, t-shirt, magnet and tote bag for volunteers to utilize throughout the year. Additionally, I created a 2023 calendar that thanked them for volunteering with us, included several call to actions throughout the year and showed the impact that they were having on the community.

The volunteer team also wanted a social frame for each of the volunteer posts shared on our socials. I created a template that includes a photo, group/individual name, hours volunteered and the website to sign up for volunteering.

There are volunteer bulletin boards located in the check-in room and breakroom at The Food Bank. I wanted to create something that would educate volunteers on what Ozarks Food Harvest does, while also showing them the impact they have. The design I came up with includes impact numbers, group and company recognition, ways they can get involved, volunteer spotlight recognition and client quotes.

Copywriting: Sara Roelke and Kristina Smotherman

Services: Print Design, Digital Design, Illustration, Marketing Strategy